Terraform in Action (pdf) by Scott Winkler

Terraform in Action (pdf) by Scott Winkler


302 Deployment targets

API calls



Configuration files AWS provider main.tf

Azure provider


Google provider


Deploying to multiple clouds concurrently with Terraform


Write configuration files

terraform init Configure AWS provider


terraform destroy

terraform apply

Sequence diagram of “Hello Terraform!” deployment

Data source attributes

Data source arguments most_recent filter owners

aws_ami (data source)

id most_recent filter owners ami

Resource attributes aws_instance (resource)

id ami instance_type tags

instance_type tags

Resource arguments How the output of the aws_ami data source will be chained to the input of the aws_instance resource

Terraform in Action


Terraform in Action SCOTT WINKLER Foreword by ARMON DADGAR


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Development editor: Technical development editor: Review editor: Production editor: Copy editor: Proofreader: Technical proofreader: Typesetter: Cover designer:

Katie Sposato Johnson Arthur Zubarev Ivan Martinovic´ Deirdre S. Hiam Tiffany Taylor Jason Everett Niek Palm Marija Tudor Marija Tudor

To my lovely fiancé and future wife, Beatrice.


contents foreword xv preface xvii acknowledgments xix about this book xxi about the author xxiv about the cover illustration




TERRAFORM BOOTCAMP …………………………….. 1 Getting started with Terraform 1.1


What makes Terraform so great?


Provisioning tool 6 Easy to use 6 Free and open source software 6 Declarative programming 7 Cloud-agnostic 7 Richly expressive and highly extensible 8 ■


“Hello Terraform!” 8 Writing the Terraform configuration 9 Configuring the AWS provider 11 Initializing Terraform 12 Deploying the EC2 instance 13 Destroying the EC2 instance 17 ■

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